Friday, 29 July 2011

National Museum of Scotland

So, excitingly, on Wednesday night I got to go to the opening reception of the new National Museum of Scotland. The museum has been closed for three years, and they've spent £47 MILLION to restore the original interior, open up even more space and make it really lovely.

They have a T Rex!
You now enter from the ground floor and come up into the old entrance hall, which is just filled with light and is so open and pretty!
Every part has been done up - after the speeches, mingling and chatting (I love a bit of mingling and chatting) we made it to the animal room (my favourite!) and the space room (which had a Saltire that has been in space!).
I've been going to the museum since I was wee (including almost-weekly trips when I was a student, and discovered the joys of drawing in notebooks), so it was ace to get a sneak-peek of the new museum. Plus, they plied us with a LOT of wine, which made everything even more exciting.

The museum officially opened this morning with taiko drummers, glitter explosions and ACTUAL DINOSAURS in Chambers Street! Well, okay, robotic dinosaurs... but they looked real (and slightly scary). Go go go go go and visit.

p.s. apologies for the uneven quality of photos, they were all taken on Craig's phone (we forgot to take the camera) & he loves a spot of Hipstamatic!


  1. You have no idea how jealous I am!! i go to Edinburgh Uni and was there until Thurs so I just missed seeing the opening. It looks amazing; quite similar the one in London but I bet they don't have a T-Rex like ours! -x-

  2. At least it'll be quieter when you are back, they had 50,000 people in over the first three days! x


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