Monday 30 November 2015


Hello! Sorry for disappearing into the ether - I was feeling so on top of blogging, and then house disaster struck, and I had to move out of my flat for a couple weeks, which destroyed any time or space I had for blogging!

But now I'm back and I'm raring to go! I've decided to take part in Blogmas this year, which means I'll be posting EVERY DAY between December 1st and December 24th. I'm mildly worried that I've bitten off more than I can chew (I've also got insane deadlines at work as we get close to programme deadline!), but I've made a list, I've taken some photos, I reckon I can do it.

Before we get stuck into that, here's a look back at this month. It's been a bit painful, I've cried over taps, but it's also been super exciting, and reminded me that I have the most wonderful, supportive people in my life (yay you!).

1. Big news, I moved into my flat! I've talked about it quite a lot here - there were highs, there were lows, I've spent a lot of time covered in paint, and significantly more time than I expected not being able to live here. But it's beautiful! And I only slightly miss my old place.

2. I went out to a fancy awards do at Prestonfield House, and in an attempt to cover my very mucky hair (I didn't have a working shower at this point, and I'm rubbish at washing my hair in baths!), I put on my brand new, very massive Crown and Glory bow. This came in my Glitterati box and is a good example of why the box is great - I would never have bought it (feels far too out my comfort zone!), but I love it on!

3. I'm a sucker for a nice candle, and I couldn't resist this Urban Outfitters spruce soy wax candle. I'm planning to get my christmas tree next week, so this will do a good job of making my house smell of fir trees until a real one arrives.

4. I dragged my lovely friend Rae along to Eureka Edinburgh to learn about the science of space! We made aliens out of playdough in the art competition (because we're grown ups doing grown up things) and it was loads of fun.

5. I went along to the launch of the Tartan Blanket Co's pop-up shop in Leith, and got this lovely green blanket. I wanted them all!

6. I also was seriously taken with the artwork in their pop-up shop, but didn't take a note of the artist. I'll need to go back, this tiger belongs on my wall.

7. I finally started to unpack the boxes in my study, and rediscovered my old roller derby helmet! I used to skate with the Auld Reekie Roller Girls (I wasn't any good, but I tried!), and although I just don't have the time for it anymore, I do miss it a bit! This helmet was painted for me by one of the very talented girls in my league, and I love it so much. Now that I've got a bit more space, I can put it on show too, which is ace.

8. I've got a blog post about my bedroom coming up next week, but here's a sneak peek of my lovely new lamps. I never thought I'd be so excited about a bulb but I am and it's great.

9. More decorating chat... I bought this mask in Sri Lanka two years ago, and I love it. This is Mayura Raksha - the peacock devil who brings peace, harmony and prosperity to your life.

10. The weather has been absolutely grim this month, winter is definitely here! It's been a real test of my new flat - luckily it's super cosy, although I need to get a joiner out to fix my balcony door which rattles on windy days and gives me the fear! There's moments of loveliness though, today the sun came out (just briefly!) - how nice is that view?

11. I've got a massive list of blog posts that I'd hoped to do in November, so I've been catching up as fast as I can this weekend. I've got a couple of spots in the flat that will be ace for outfit posts, I'm hoping I can do these more regularly now.

12. And talking of outfit posts... my first Blogmas post is tomorrow and it features these dreamy gold brogues. Come back tomorrow and I'll tell you where they're from!


  1. The artist is Sandra Dieckmann! You can get her stuff on and she also has an etsy shop. She's amazing!x


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If you have any questions I will do my best to answer them quickly, or you can also tweet me @eversojuliet
