Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Outfit: swedish shoes

Here's another slouchy outfit (it's too sticky and damp for nice dresses at the moment). This is mainly an excuse to show off my LOVELY NEW SHOES, which annoyingly I can't really wear outside as it's very soggy, and I am scared I will slip and fall over (I am terrible at wearing heels at the best of times!).

Blazer - Urban Outfitters
T-shirt - Primark
Slouchy jeans - Primark
Wooden sandals - Le Comptoir Scandinave*
Necklace - Accessorize

This is pretty lazy dressing, but I hope the shoes make it a wee bit interesting! I've had my eye on a pair of Swedish clog-types for quite a long time, so was pretty pleased to find a pair that looked walkable in!

I got the blazer from Urban Outfitters pretty recently too, and it's so perfect for summer! It's really light to wear, but looks pretty smart - I've got a few nights out coming up so I am picturing myself wearing this over a nice dress (although, realistically, it'll be raining and I'll end up wearing my cheap and ancient raincoat that I am a bit in love with).

Let's just not talk about my ridiculous hair today. It can't handle rain. Or humidity. Or sunshine, really.


  1. Love the sandals and there is nothing wrong with your hair - you look lovely!

  2. Love the sandals :) How are you getting on with them? I really want a pair but also struggle to stay upright in heels, obviously balancing while walking is not my forte but I really want a pair.
    Lovely outfit and blog!!

    1. They are actually REALLY comfortable. The platform is high enough that the heel doesn't feel high, but not so high that it feels wobbly (does that make sense?).

      & thanks! x

  3. adore the shoes! after something like that myself - might go investigate!

  4. Like the sandals :) Also, you have mail.

  5. Looking as cute as ever! Your sandals are absolutely brilliant :) xxx

  6. LOVE your nails. You look so fancy!

    1. Ah, thank you! They are super easy to do freehand, doesn't matter if you get the lines straight or not.

  7. those nails are amazing!
    and i feel you on the awful humidity and hair situation :(

    1. Thank you! I don't usually wear bright pink polish, I keep getting distracted by my hands!


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