Thursday, 22 November 2012

Win Edinburgh Gin!

Let's talk gin. Tasty, tasty gin.

I've actually got a confession - before trying Edinburgh Gin at the Book Festival earlier this year, I was a bit scared of it (I thought it was only for old men & people who like tennis). But it was light! & refreshing! & nice! Plus I am an absolute sucker for pretty packaging.

Anyway, this is an interesting story (I promise) because the lovely people over at Google+ and Zagat have teamed up together to offer a gift pack of gin (original, raspberry & elderflower flavours) to you fine folk.

For a chance to win, all you have to do is review your favourite Edinburgh bar, pub or club by clicking here.

Luckily for us lazy folk, by "review" they literally mean a few words.. not much longer that a tweet! Just the sort of thing you would tell a pal if you were recommending it. You can add as many reviews as you like & the more you add, the higher your chances of winning. Hooray!

The contest closes on December 9th, so be quick! Google Edinburgh will choose a winner and be in touch shortly afterwards. You must be 18+ years of age and a resident of Scotland to be eligible.

Gin gin gin gin!

Good luck! x

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post. The gin is bloody lovely though (I definitely recommend it!)


  1. I'm not in Edinburgh (unfortunately) but I do love gin! If I ever make it back to Scotland I will have to look for this. Such pretty packaging!

    1. It is ridiculous how much pretty packaging wins me over! x

  2. I'm not in Edinburgh (but just south in Berwick, hoping to come up for the Christmas market though :):)) But I LOVE gin (like the lady above). I just bought a bottle of Bombay for over Christmas as it's my favourite pre-dinner drink!

    Wish I could enter but I don't know anywhere well enough to review!

    Amy x

    1. I am so late to the bandwagon on gin! Oh no! Well you'll need to ask an Edinburgh pal to review for you & share the gin if you win (muahaha) x


Thank you so much for commenting, it is lovely and really makes my day!

If you have any questions I will do my best to answer them quickly, or you can also tweet me @eversojuliet
