Friday, 16 November 2012

Nanowrimo update

Hello! I just wanted to share a wee update on nanowrimo. We're onto day sixteen now and I should be at 26,666 words to be on track (I'm not, but I've got all of tonight to write).

Please ignore my terrible working title
It's been loads of fun so far, but definitely tough! This is the first year I've had to balance blogging alongside writing, so it's been a bit of a challenge finding time for both (and still enjoying them). I'm also baking a wedding cake for my lovely pals Jude and Charlotte & am going to their wedding tomorrow - loads of fun, but busy busy busy days ahead!

But hey, I wouldn't do it if I didn't enjoy it. I'm also filming weekly updates on my youtube channel, which you can watch below. Look how fresh faced and enthusiastic I was in week one! Ha. Ha. Ha.


& then I'm just exhausted and resigned to battling on in week two.

I'm not going to post every video I make here, so if you'd like to subscribe then you can do so here. Non-writing videos are also on the way (er, when I have a spare moment!). 


  1. It's so cool you're taking part in this! I would love to but I don't know where I would find the time :(

    1. Yeah, finding the time is the hardest part! Definitely worth trying though x

  2. I think juggling all of the other things that come up in November along with NaNoWriMo is one of the hardest parts! You look like you're doing great though! :D

    1. Thanks! I'm massively behind due to missing this weekend, so it's going to be a bit of a struggle to get back up to speed (ah!). x


Thank you so much for commenting, it is lovely and really makes my day!

If you have any questions I will do my best to answer them quickly, or you can also tweet me @eversojuliet
