Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Rockalily lipstick

I don't normally wear lipstick... I never think it particularly suits me, although I have always been very envious of my glamorous friends & colleagues who swan around, all red-lipped and lovely looking. So, when Rockalily came to my attention (thanks to it being on about a million twitter feeds in the run up to the #ZOMG bloggers bash), I thought I'd give it a go. 

Bonnie packaging. 

I went for Rockette Red, which describes itself as "a creamy and luxurious matte lipstick. A classic blue-based shade, which is perfect for paler skins. It is also fab for making your teeth appear whiter!". Alright, sweet. Let's try it out.

Red lips! Woah. Time for an extreme close up? Okay.

Well, this is an odd thing to put on the internet.

The lipsticks are animal-friendly (no bunny testing here), and are paraben free. They contain vitamin E so are really soft and moisturising, and they smell really lovely! It went on really easily (which is helpful to a lipstick novice) and seems to have amazing staying power. I'm really impressed!

What I'm not impressed with is my ridiculous inability to take a normal looking photo - how do beauty bloggers do this on a regular basis? I also realise now that I probably should have brushed my hair. Ha. Forever scruffy.

Anyway - I love love love Rockalily! I think I'm hooked already. I definitely recommend having a look and seeing if there is a shade for you. Each lipstick costs £14 and can be bought here. (Plus  you get to feel smug for supporting a cool, indie brand!).


  1. It looks lovely on you. I used to wear lippy all the time but I'm definitely out of the habit at the mo.x

    1. Thank you! I am in risk of being totally converted by this, absolutely loved it x

  2. Wow that's some cute packaging...uh oh, my downfall!
    That colour really, really suits you.
    I was never one for lipstick - too much hassle to keep checking it and reapply it - but I've recently been wearing it more. I wore a *bright* red when I saw my bf last weekend and he seemed to love it, so it's given me the confidence to wear more colour.
    I think you'd also pull off a rich, wine or purple colour :)

    Laura xx

    1. I know, it's really cute!

      & aww, thank you. You should check out Rockalily, they've got an amazing range of shades! xx

    2. I'd never heard of them until your post, so I'll have to take a look! xx

  3. It really suits you! I don't want to sound creepy but you have a lovely smile, and the red lippy makes it even lovelier :)


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