Friday, 19 December 2014


I love December for many, many reasons, but one of them is definitely how easy it is to find an excuse to dress up. Red lipstick all the time? It's festive, go for it! A velvet dress? Yes! Massive glittery accessories? Ahhhhh, sign me up!

I've been aware of hair accessory superheroes, Crown & Glory, for ages, but despite spending the summer daydreaming about being the kinda girl that could pull off a massive flower crown, I shied away. But it's Christmas! And this year, I've definitely been a lot braver about wearing what I want, without worrying if I looked silly (or like I was reverting to dressing like a primary school child!).

So I bought a bow! Three bows actually (this is obviously the start of a dangerous habit). I went for Crown & Glory's medium-sized hair bow - they also make tiny ones if you want to start out small, and huge ones if you are very, very brave!

This shameless selfie was taken the morning of my work's Christmas party (I was feeling my look! Can I live?!) and it was just so nice to feel super festive & glittery, and like I'd made a really big effort... when all I'd done was curl unwashed hair and put on a £10 ebay dress.

Crown & Glory - Medium hair bows - £6
The medium-size bows cost £6 each (which I reckon is seriously good value) and come attached with a crocodile clip to snugly attach to your hair. The bows are sort of bendy too, which means you can shape them to sit nicely on your head. I've worn them clipped into the side of my hair (as shown in the massive photo of my face), clipped over the band of a ponytail and at the front of a topknot... so far, so versatile.

I'm pretty sure Crown & Glory have stopped shipping for Christmas, but this could be a cute thing to wear on New Year, if you were so inclined!

Tis the season to wear glitter, tra la la la la...

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