Monday, 17 March 2014

Fox hair!

I've got new hair! After two years of absolutely loving my badger stripes I thought I was well overdue for a change, and I wanted to embrace my ginger locks a wee bit more.

I changed hairdressers too, and have started going to Boosh, a lovely hair & beauty salon in Edinburgh's Cowgate. I don't know why I left it quite so long to try them out - loads of my friends go and absolutely rave about it!

So this is it! About four years after ombre hair was cool, I'm giving it a go. I wanted to have hair that looked like a fox tail when it was up in a ponytail, and I'm so pleased with it.

We picked a red colour that was a really vibrant version of my natural hair colour, with super coppery undertones. That was put on the top third of my hair, with bleach on the bottom to lighten up the ends. Then when it was time to wash it out, my hairdresser did some magic blending trick, so the two dyed sections and my natural hair colour (the colour in the middle) all come together in a lovely soft gradient.

It's taken me a week or so to get used to it (the first day or so any time I caught my reflection I would almost double-take!) but I love it. Hooray for new hair!


  1. Love the new hair! I'm so fed up of my current hair colour and style at the moment, saving up for a big overhaul!

  2. the colour is so lovely, suits you very much! :)

    robyn x

  3. Oh wow! Your new hair looks amazing, such a stunning style! x

  4. looks fab - love the cut too

  5. It's gorge! love the colour! makes me want to get a new doo

  6. ahh, you look fabulous! I LOVE this!

  7. Love the new hair. You are such a babe.


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If you have any questions I will do my best to answer them quickly, or you can also tweet me @eversojuliet
