Monday, 10 March 2014

February instagram

I'd like to say that I have a good excuse for posting my February round up so late, but really I just temporarily abandoned my blog in favour of hanging with my favourite people, long lazy breakfasts & days spent reading books & playing video games. I regret nothing!

Anyway, here's what I've been up to over the last few weeks...

Instagram username: eversojuliet

1. I brought this headscarf home from Sri Lanka, and I love it. I used to think headscarves were too difficult to put on, but that's so far from the truth! They are super easy and, more importantly, hide all sorts of mucky hair sins!

2. My flat was missing a bed when I moved in (good times!) so it was pretty exciting when it finally arrived! Excitement soon faded though, when I had to build it solo, and I almost snapped a side panel through my clumsy DIY (diwhyyy) attempt...

3. In the lead up to the Science Festival launch, a few work pals came round for a lunchtime scifest-inspired nail art session (you can see my attempt here).

4. I've been getting pretty brave with eating fish (which I used to hate) over the last year, so it was really fun to have a go at making sushi one night. Joshua & I "accidentally" ended up spending a fortune on fancy ingredients in Waitrose, but it was soooo good...

5. .. And looked like this! The sushi mat was a bit fiddly to start with, but it all worked out nicely in the end.

6. Dark nights & slightly skint days means I've been pretty quiet this month, but it has been nice to stay in and be cosy. I tried painting a fox, because I love them, and I was a wee bit nervous... fur looks pretty hard to do! I'm pretty happy with the end result, but I think I'm still too keen to put dark outlines on everything - I need to keep reminding myself to put down the paintbrush!

7. Another cosy evening in, with the hint of spring in the air. When my house was up for sale it was filled with lovely fresh flowers all the time (so it looked pretty for potential buyers). I'm determined to try and keep this up in my flat, even if it's just for me!

8. Yet another cosy night in (can you see a theme for this month?). I'm so pleased with this pie, it was ridiculously good! It's chicken and bacon and rabbit, in a cheesy sauce with a puff pastry (bunny topped) lid. SO GOOD. (Sorry bunny lovers).

9. While Craig was moving into his new flat, my favourite fat cat came to stay! Riley seems so unfazed by moving, within a few hours he was already strolling round my flat like he owned the place. He's off to live with Craig (cause he's got a bigger place), but I get him for cat holidays, which I'm so pleased about. Even if he is shedding his winter coat at the moment...



Thank you so much for commenting, it is lovely and really makes my day!

If you have any questions I will do my best to answer them quickly, or you can also tweet me @eversojuliet
