Wednesday, 19 February 2014


So it's been a few weeks since I got the keys to my new wee home in the city. I've finally moved almost all of my things out of the house (which we've still got access to until the start of March, phew), I've unboxed everything, and it's starting to feel a wee bit like home.

The lightest, brightest bedroom (hi neighbours!)
There are a few things that need a bit of work. My buzzer doesn't work, I've got cracked cupboard doors, my walls are all a bit white & empty, and I don't have any blinds. 

Hello desk! Hello messy paints!
But, that's okay! I love it. It's my own wee place and it's the perfect size for me. I can see the moon when I lie in bed (you know, cause I ain't got any blinds), and I'm surrounded by old buildings and the lovely, familiar view of Edinburgh rooftops. 

Books! (I'm in desperate need of shelves)
It's been a bit weird downsizing from a three bedroom house to a one bedroom flat, and I've struggled most with my books which have had to move from a dedicated library room (which I miss!) to messy piles along the side of my bedroom (because this flat has no shelves). But I'm getting there.

Bottles, leaving cards & new home cards | My front door | Look at my window seat! 
After the last few years of living in a new build, it's nice to be back in an old flat with lots of quirky touches (check out how beautiful my front door is!). My very favourite part is the living room's window seat... I didn't realise how much I needed a window seat in my life until now! It is the PERFECT place to sit and read a book (or blog!) and gaze at the world passing by.

So it's all very exciting! I'm a bit skint this month (paying rent, a deposit AND a mortgage isn't much fun), so I'm looking forward to when I have a wee bit more spending money, and I can start putting a few more personal touches to the place (I've got a neon paint project in mind that I can't wait to start!). 


  1. Your new place is stunning! Your bedroom in particular is so nice- the photo looks like the kind of thing you'd find on Pinterest! I hope you'll be very happy there. On the books front, I can't recommend IKEA's Expedit series enough for storage that is a feature too. We've got a 5x5, with a row of baskets along the bottom for bits and pieces that don't look nice on display and it's the best thing! xx

  2. Your new place looks wonderful, oh and that window seat is just an absolute dream! x

  3. two things; 1) that library was IMENSE. 2) your new flat sounds ADORABLE. welcome home x

  4. It looks lovely! You've already made it look very homely and cosy! xxx

  5. Ooh it looks great. Very jealous of the window seat, I've always wanted one!

    I remember when I first moved into my own wee flat in the city (after a break up and moving out of a shared house in the suburbs - very similar to you!) and I just loved it so much. Am very happy living where I am now but will always look back on that time and place fondly.

  6. Ohhh I'm so jealous that you have a window seat, it's one of the things I really want in a future home!

  7. I actually kind of love the books piled up like that. But if you're looking for shelves I second that above comment about Expedit. If you shove shoeboxes into each cube you can have a double row of books slightly staggered.

  8. It's gorgeous! I've always wanted a window seat.

  9. How gorgeous! I'm sure it will feel even more like home in no time :)

  10. Love the window seat and front door! You've found an awesome place, shelves or not :D So jealous of a wee flat in Edinburgh!


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