Monday, 20 January 2014

New year's resolutions

I know they aren't for everyone, but I love new year's resolutions. I reckon I've worked out the trick to them... just pick things that you definitely want to do (but maybe lack a bit of motivation for) and it's so much easier (and more fun!) than the usual - lose weight, save money, etc, yawn, etc.

Last year I wanted to push myself to be more creative - specifically by writing and painting more. I didn't really fulfill my writing ambitions, but I did bits and pieces across the year, met up with my friend Niki for (semi-regular) write club, and blogged 108 days of the year!

Painting was much more successful - I went from barely ever drawing, to painting or sketching pretty much every week, and over the year I've really noticed myself getting more confident and quite a bit better at it! On top of that, I've also worked on a few extra crafty projects, and am pretty pleased with how they turned out.

New year's resolution SUCCESS!

This year, I'm picking a pretty weird resolution - I'm going to change my routine and stop wearing eyeliner every day. I know it doesn't sound like much, but I am a total eyeliner addict. I don't even think about doing it, but liquid eyeliner has just been an automatic part of my getting-ready-in-the-morning process, regardless of where I was going, or what I was doing that day.

Until... I went on holiday, and decided that for the next month I would embrace the excuse to be super scruffy and barely wear make up. I thought it would be weird and that I would be self-conscious in photos, but actually, I just looked like me! And I didn't need to worry about eyeliner smudging all day.

So - I am twenty days in, and I expected everyone to say WHATISWRONGWITHYOURFACE, but hardly anyone has actually noticed (or, if they have, they have rightly assumed that it is such non-news that it ain't worth commenting on). Aaaaand it takes about half the time to get ready in the morning (turns out getting liquid eyeliner on evenly is time-consuming work!).

I know this is the world's most boring (and easy) resolution, but I've just broken the habit of ten years, and I like it. Now I need to learn how to do night-out make up, without relying on winged liner! I will report back...


  1. Such a good new years resolution and I'm glad its working for you :) I hate it when I don't wear makeup and people are like, ohh are you ok, you look tired...!

    Beauty Butterfly | UK Beauty Blog

  2. Haha I don't think that's a weird one at all, I think it's great to be confident without the makeup, then it's less of a horrifying situation when for some reason you're unable to. ;) I don't do resolutions myself but always have plenty of ongoing creative or work goals.
    Raffles Bizarre Blog


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