Wednesday, 8 January 2014

A Sri Lankan adventure!

So you may know (mainly because I've been going on about it a LOT), that for the best part of the last month I've been off exploring the beautiful Sri Lanka (with a wee bit of the Maldives for good measure!).

It's hard to sum up just how good it was. 2013 was a weird year for me - there were quite a few low points (but luckily a good number of highs too), but at the end of the year I was definitely ready for a break from the real world, and a chance to explore, refresh my head, and get a bit of a new perspective on things.

In three and a bit weeks, my lovely pal Raewyn and I visited beautiful beaches, jungles and temples, pushed our way through busy, busy city streets, and walked down empty sandy paths in the quietest of towns. We also hula hooped EVERYWHERE (turns out travelling with a hula hoop is a great idea - everyone loves it, and we got upgraded to business class because the flight crew liked it so much!).

As well as taking about a million photos, I also filled bits and pieces of what we got up to, and have put together this... a wee video blog of our adventure.

So if you are interested in seeing the beautiful places we visited (filmed with a bit of a shaky hand, sorry!), the day we got obsessed with elephants, orrr the time we drank Arrack (a local drink, and pretty potent), then I hope you enjoy!


  1. Pinnawala!!!! :-) Looks immense lovely. I am so unbelievably jealous. Love that country so much! Will watch it again when I'm at home and see where else you went xx

    1. Ahhh it was SO brilliant. We need to have a catch up and I can fill you in properly! xx

  2. Amazing! looks like such an adventure xx

  3. Amazing video and really good to see this kind of blogs. thanks for sharing this post.
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If you have any questions I will do my best to answer them quickly, or you can also tweet me @eversojuliet
