Monday, 20 June 2011

Roller derby helmet

Best roller derby helmet in the world? Maybe..

The detail is amazing! & yes, ARRG rules 

This was painted for me, by the very talented KillaWatts (who also skates for Auld Reekie Roller Girls). It's incredible!

Front of helmet
I hadn't been entirely sure what I wanted (she's been painting a few ARRG helmets lately, so I had been wracking my brain trying to think of something cool), but I eventually decided that I wanted a traditional tattoo style (purely so I could have swallows on it!) and this is the creation.

Miss Chief! That's me

It's amazing!


I had a bit of a mad dash across town tonight after work to pick it up, then rushed off for a sneaky Monday night practice. I wanted to work on transitions as I am RUBBISH at them, so my lovely pal Stitches basically spun me around for 10 minutes, until I was confident enough doing it myself (at very slow speeds). I found it really tricky at first, but slowly I realised that if I stopped thinking about what my feet did, and instead just moved my body to the direction I wanted to travel, then my feet would go to the right place!

I'm still falling over when I try them with speed, but it's just a case of practice, practice, practice until it is drilled into my head! A really successful Monday by all accounts!

& for good measure, here's a photo of me, derbied up. Trying to do a tough derby face. & smiling politely instead. Hmm. (practice, practice, practice).

Thanks Watts, I love it!


  1. That's a fabulous helmet! May I ask if KillaWatts put any kind of protective coating over the painting? It would probably still look beautiful with a few scrapes (as do we all) but it would be a shame to lose that colour to a rink floor.

    I'm working on transitions myself and still trying to figure out whether a smooth glide or a quick-step leads t me falling down less.

  2. Yes, it's got a shiny acrylic sealer to protect it from knocks! Her new website is here & is worth a look!

    It's hard, isn't it! I think I've almost got the knack of gliding round... just need to work on getting my turning circle much smaller.


Thank you so much for commenting, it is lovely and really makes my day!

If you have any questions I will do my best to answer them quickly, or you can also tweet me @eversojuliet
