Friday 6 July 2012


I have the best intentions when it comes to writing, but find it hard to act on them sometimes. It's just too easy to make excuses. Life is too busy (it is!),  you are too tired (I am!), or you'd rather just read ohnotheydidn't (sometimes I would!). I think that's why I love things like NaNoWriMo - having a deadline and target to work to just makes things much easier.

Yesterday I saw someone retweet a link to the Write Now competition and it caught my eye. It's a brand new writing prize judged by indie booksellers to win a publishing contract with Macmillan. Ooh. That's Macmillan Children's Books. Oh.

Now I've never written for children before. But I love writing. And I like children. And now I have a goal to work to! So I'm going to give it a bash. I have zero expectations, but anything that inspires me is a good thing in my book.

Budding authors take note - you've got til December 1st!


  1. Good luck! I think i need something to motivate me. It's so easy to make excuses and put things off but in the end you really have to crack on if you want to get anywhere! Writing for children will be great fun :)



  2. I really need to kick my butt into gear for this year's NaNoWriMo. Those excuses are rampant for me whenever November rolls around and I just have to cave and do it! Writing for children sounds like a great goal though -- best of luck!

  3. That sounds like a great contest! Good luck with your story!
    Xo Dana

  4. Good luck with the writing, let us know how you get on!

  5. you can do it x

    im terrible at writing x i can't keep at it!

    Natali Crystal xox

  6. Thanks everyone! It's going pretty well so far! x


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If you have any questions I will do my best to answer them quickly, or you can also tweet me @eversojuliet
